WHAT: Hemi-Sync Meditation Hemi-Sync Meditation makes deep meditation possible quickly and easily for anyone willing to try. Listening to specific sound waves results in a whole-brain state known as hemispheric synchronization, or Hemi-Sync®, where the left and right hemispheres are working together in a state of coherence.
WHY: We’re living through precarious times. Mental strength and clarity are becoming even more critical to maintain personal well being and ensure we are aligned with our highest purpose to best serve our communities and the world.
TRY: Experience Hemi-Sync Meditation for free here. In 2007, I was lucky enough to visit The Monroe Institute for a five day meditation program. I was new to meditation, but with hemi-sync, able to meditate in a very deep state for over five hours each day, intermittently. Hemi-sync helped me understand that we are far more than our physical bodies—we are souls first, having a human experience. Once we recognize this, our perspective shifts and it’s easier to take struggles in stride, lighten up, and make the most of this physical world, during our brief time here.