This will be a HARD question for many people to answer—including myself.
“How WELL did I spend my last 365 days?” My time was well spent in some areas of life in 2021—MOMing, maintaining fitness, focusing on family—but other areas in other areas of life, I know my time was NOT well spent. UGH. That’s hard to say out loud. But necessary for me to hear, so in 2022, I can start anew with a stronger intention for spending PRECIOUS TIME.

>>a little poem by lindsay navama<<
On New Years Eve, 2021 will you CELEBRATE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE
or just another trip around the sun?
How did you SPEND your PRECIOUS TIME? Did it make you healthy, happy, wise?
Did your last 365 days make the world a better place, in big ways, small ways,
through smiles and grace?
Or did you fall victim to life’s million distractions? Shattering your focus, highjacking your actions… those necessary to reach your highest goals and
live the life purpose your heart only knows?
Did you let precious time scroll right on by, with weary, dreary, tired eyes, searching for that next dopamine hit? The instant gratification drug, “post,” “heart,” “send,” … ahhh, that’s it!
Or was this past year spent intentionally, working hard to set your ideas free, plucking dreams from time and space, to make the world a better place?
As we look towards 2022, it’s time to reflect on the old and the new—what habits we need to leave behind and how can we grow, to better spend time.
Do the things that matter most—focus on your IMPACT—days are long but life is short,
leave no regrets intact.