I was about six years old when my mom finally agreed to let me start “cooking” in our kitchen. It was then I began flirting with different foods and flavor combinations, freezing melted butter with brown sugar and crushed graham crackers to create a solid mass (since I couldn’t use the oven) then insisting my dad try it, which bless his kind heart, he always did and with a smile. He didn’t always finish it, but he ALWAYS tried it—thanks DAD!

Fast forward um… many years, and I found myself as the director of sales for my husband’s product locator technology company, Destini. While not exactly my dream job, it allowed me to travel to some of the nations largest food trade shows, showcasing all the edible products imaginable that eventually end up in grocery stores. Natural Product Expo was my favorite show of the year because it felt like being in the most massive Whole Foods on earth (my super happy place) and getting to sample all the newest creations from the most progressive and innovative brands in the natural food industry.

I fancy myself protector of my hubby David’s tastebuds because he is gluten free and (mostly) dairy free. This means I am constantly on the hunt for the very best gluten free and dairy free foods that taste so good, even an allergy-free foodie like me loves eating them! Through these trade shows and almost daily trips to the grocery store, where I searched the aisles for new brands to sell our product locator to, I became somewhat of an expert at knowing which natural, gluten free and dairy free foods were amazing and worth spending money on!

Today I’m the girl friends call with any questions about which gluten-free pasta to buy that doesn’t fall apart, what plant-based milk actually foams or which dairy-free ice cream is the very creamiest! Because I also cook without recipes most of the time, friends often ask what to make with the “asparagus, zucchini and peaches” they need to use before they go bad. Looking for an epic but easy cookie recipe? Just ask! Baking was my first food love and I fanned my sugar loving flame by opening a custom baking company “Cookies Couture” in LA post college… because that’s exactly what my parents hoped I’d do with my broadcast journalism degree! Ha 🙂